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Kurious Kat
Some Common Plants That Can Be Cat-astrophys

We love to brighten our homes and gardens with plants, but as cat owners, it's important to know that not all plants are feline friendly. In fact, there are many hazardous plants out there when it comes to cats, so knowing the common ones to avoid can make all the difference!
Whether you love gardening, collecting indoor or outdoor plants, the Kurious Kat is here to help take some of the guesswork out for you with a list of some common plants that can be extremely dangerous to your cat’s health, along with some alternative cat compatible ones!
Please remember, if your cat ingests any of these plants, or has any of the symptoms of possible poisoning listed below, contact your vet Immediately. Prompt and immediate veterinary care could save your cats life.
Common Plants That Are Toxic To Cats
1. Lillies
Lillies are one of the most common toxic plants when it comes to cats. They are beautiful kitty nightmares, with the entirety of the plant being toxic, including stems, leaves, petals, and even the water of the vase and pollen particles. The toxin in lilies can cause fatal kidney failure in less than three, days.
After ingestion, symptoms of lily poisoning may include vomiting, drooling, and loss of appetite. All types of lilies are a threat, so these lethal beauties are best kept far away from homes with cats!

The following link has images of many different types of Lilly that you can review and become familiar with so you can recognize them before your cat does! www.florgeous.com

2. English Ivy
English Ivy is found all over the United States and grows in fields, woodlands, buildings, and more. Make sure to keep your kitties away from ingesting this vine plant, as it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, and pain in the abdomen.
3. Hyacinth
Another beautiful threat is the Hyacinth flower. It is found in many gardens across the nation and blooms in an assortment of colors, including purple and pink. This flower is extremely toxic to felines, especially at the bulb. Ingestion of this plant can pull your kitty into an awful fit of intense vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and tremors.

4. Castor bean
The castor bean plant, while indigenous to Africa, has made its home as a weed in many areas across the globe, including the American Southwest, Florida, and more familiar regions. It contains the poison ricin, deadly to cats, dogs, and horses, with one ounce being a lethal amount. The symptoms include convulsion, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth irritation, difficulty breathing, kidney failure, and more. Make sure to look for this invasive species and keep your kitties away!

5. Daffodils & Tulips
These bulb perennials are another addition to our list. Both of these flowers, like hyacinth, have deadly bulbs that have high concentrations of toxins. Tulips can cause hypersalivation, depression and vomiting, and diarrhea due to their toxin, tulapalin. Daffodils can cause these same symptoms, and in large amounts of consumption, they can also lead to convulsions, low blood pressure, and heart arrhythmias.

6. Azaleas & Rhododendrons
These flowers thrive throughout the world and produce kitty poisons called grayantoxins, which can cause symptoms such as depression of the central nervous system alongside weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, and can lead to death from cardiovascular collapse.
7. Sago Palm
These stout palm trees can be charming decorations for your home, but they are not in vogue regarding your cat’s health! All parts of this plant are poisonous, especially its seeds. This plant can cause liver failure upon ingestion, along with the usual queasy side effects associated with poisoning.
8. Dumb Cane
While it looks like an ordinary and harmless house plant, Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia can cause your cat intense discomfort in the mouth with intense burning symptoms upon ingestion. It can swell the lips, tongue, and mouth and cause difficulty swallowing.
9. Poinsettia
During the winter holidays, we celebrate by decorating homes with bows of holly, festive wreaths, pine, and garland, however, you may want to exclude poinsettia from your While it is not as toxic or deadly as the other plants listed, it can still cause vomiting and irritation to your cat's mouth and stomach. Your cat definitely won't want it on their Holiday list!

10. Pothos
With 15 different species worldwide, pothos is a regular houseplant sold at nurseries across the United States. You may have also heard it called devils ivy. This plant can irritate your cat’s mouth and cause vomiting, and excessive drooling due to its insoluble calcium oxalates. A nibble on this houseplant can also cause notable swelling of the gastrointestinal tract, and oral tissues as well.
By no means is the above a complete list of plants that can be toxic to your cat! For more on cats and plan toxicity, please visit the www.ASPCA.org
Cat Friendly Plants
Now with all those plants that should be avoided if you have cats, we thought it only right to end on a positive note with a few Cat Compatable plants to consider adding to your indoor or outdoor garden. Ones that your cats can have fun with and you don't have to worry about!
1. Spider plant
Not only is this little guy safe for cats, but it is also a propagation pro! This plant is very durable and you can make many of them via propagation. These plants clean the air of your home as well, by absorbing chemicals in the air. They also will not hold a grudge if you are an inconsistent waterer!

2. Rattlesnake plant
Rattlesnake plants are funky, beautiful, and sometimes temperamental, just like cats! If you have a green thumb and do not find a moody plant, they make great additions to a space.

3. Orchid
Orchids are beautiful additions to any home. They are not only non-toxic, but they are edible, as you may notice if you frequent sushi restaurants! The only thing you will have to worry about is keeping it alive. These gorgeous flowers can grow in most homes, with the right tender, loving care.

4. Date Palm
If you are looking for an alternative to the sago palm tree to bless your home, the date palm is perfect. These trees add a fresh, tropical vibe to any space and will keep your kitty safe.

5. Cat Safe Herbs
Growing herbs in your home and garden can be fun for both you and your cat! Some of the cat safe herbs you can try are Rosemary, Cat Thyme, Basil, Wheatgrass, and of course there's Cat Grass, Catnip (Catmint), Silvervine and Valerian that your cat might enjoy!
**Don't forget to consult with your veterinarian and/or cat specialist before giving your cat any type of herb. If you have any questions or concerns about plants and your cat, you should always talk with your veterinarian first!

Knowing the difference between a cat-safe plant and a toxic one could save your cat’s life. For more on toxic plants, the ASPCA has a comprehensive list we've icluded below of plants and how they may affect your furry feline. As always, if you are unsure if your pet ingested something toxic, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Article Written by Taelyn Livingston


Credits: www.ASPCA.org